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How to Make Energy in Little Alchemy

Alchemy is the mix of properties to make a new form or substance. To create energy two or more elements is added to create a new element called energy.

How to Make Energy in Little Alchemy

Air + Fire = Energy E=mc²


Plant + Sun = Energy E=mc²

The preferred form of energy combination is the air plus fire combination while plant plus the sun also create energy too. This really is the alternate source of energy for man’s survival.

Knowledge of chemistry, biology, and physics will go a long way in solving the riddles and puzzles of little alchemy.

Mix Energy with the following elements to get this new results.

Energy + Air = Wind
Energy + Bicycle = Motorcycle
Energy + Cloud = Storm
Energy + Earth = Earthquake
Energy + Explosion = Atomic Bomb
Energy + Fruit = Sugar
Energy + Human = Wizard
Energy + Juice = Sugar
Energy + Metal = Electricity
Energy + Milk = Butter
Energy + Sand = Sandstorm
Energy + Snow = Avalanche
Energy + Swamp = Life
Energy + Sword = Lightsaber
Energy + Volcano = Eruption + Ash
Energy + Water = Steam
Energy + Wind = Hurricane


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