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Rainmeter Simply – Minimalistic Theme

Get the recently released Rainmeter Simply Skin, created with a minimalistic approach. The skin has most commonly used features such as Time, Date, Weather, Now Playing, and Social Media shortcuts. You can easily adjust the settings to your preference, as with most Rainmeter Skins. You can change the wallpaper to your preferred theme.

Rainmeter Simply

Rainmeter Simply

The author has a proper documentation of the theme and instruction on how to access them. It is most likely going to be getting more updates, has the popularity is soaring. The author is also responsive to comments and suggestions.

If you like the Rainmeter Simply you can download it from the link below. This Rainmeter skin has been download more than 4,000 times.

File Size: 3.8MB

Author:  DD-921

Rainmeter Simply
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