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Soita for Rainmeter a NowPlaying Plugin for Rainmeter Skins

Soita for Rainmeter is light and easy to customize, it is a Rainmeter Audio Plugin that is compatible with WMP, foobar2000, Winamp, iTunes, AIMP, MediaMonkey, and many more. This Rainmeter Audio plugin is easy to install, edit, and modify. It is light and it is one of the most downloaded Rainmeter plugins for audio now playing features of the Rainmeter Skin,

A good knowledge of how to install a Rainmeter skin is required before you can tweak this plugin. You will find a detailed instruction on the simple Soita Rainmeter skin installation.

Soita for Rainmeter


Author Instruction

After installing, right-click here and select ‘Edit Skin’.
Then, the [mPlayer] section, change the PlayerName= value to your player.
After saving the file, right-click on the skin and select ‘Refresh Skin’. Done

File size: 45.9KB

Author: poiru

Soita for Rainmeter
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