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VisBubble Round Visualizer for Rainmeter Skin

VisBubble Round Visualizer for Rainmeter.  Visualization is an effect that works well for volume equalizer, audio and sound effect, and for a circular or round Rainmeter Skin effect. The Rainmeter Visbubble is easy to configure, you can adjust the colors, the size of the circle and number of equalizer points. Every point change has an effect on the way the Rainmeter Visbubble behaves.
visbubble rainmeter skin

Rainmeter VisBubble Skin

This Rainmeter Skin is regularly updated, you are sure of getting regular updates to broken parts and bugs.

This detail is very important for uploading the Rainmeter Visbubble.

Access the settings by double-clicking the skin! Alternatively, the VisBubble settings file is called Settings.inc and is located in Documents/Rainmeter/Skins/VisBubble. You can change the settings, like radius, number of items, color etc. inside it. If you want to make it only show when you play music from a music player, set Player to your music player and HideWhenNotPlaying to 1

Fun Fact: This Rainmeter Skin has been viewed over 777,000+ times. Daily view currently exceeds 800 views. More than half of the total number have downloaded the Rainmeter Visbubble Skin. 

490,000+ Downloads and over 400 daily downloads.

File Size: 352KB

Author: undefinist


  • Wallpaper used for preview: Prime
  • Some other visualizer skins like MetalCactuar’s Visualizer and Monstercat Visualizer for cross-referencing
  • Settings UI uses Slider.dll plugin by NighthawkSLO
  • Shoutout to /r/Rainmeter for boosting this skin’s popularity
Download VisBubble
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